Hugh Brammer
Publications 1951-2018
Sole author
Gold Coast/Ghana
1955 Detailed soil survey of the Kpong Pilot Irrigation Area. Soil and Land Use Survey Memoir No 1
1967 Soils of the Accra Plains. Soil and Land Use Survey Memoir No 3
East Pakistan
1967 Reconnaissance soil survey Dhaka District , East Pakistan
1971 Soil Survey Project, Bangladesh: Agricultural Development Possibilities. FAO, Rome. AGL:SF/PAK 6, Technical Report 2. 15 maps
1971 Soil Survey Project, Bangladesh: Soil Resources. FAO, Rome. AGL:SF/PAK 6, Technical Report 3. 5 maps
1973 Soils of Zambia, 1971-1973. Soil Survey Report No 11, with 1:2.5 million soil map of Zambia. Ministry of Rural Development, Zambia
1973 Soils of Zambia. (A popular account of soil survey and the soils of Zambia), Rural Information Services, Ministry of Rural Development, Zambia
1986 Reconnaissance soil survey Chittagong Hill Tracts, Bangladesh
1996 The geography of the soils of Bangladesh. UPL, Dhaka
1997 Agricultural development possibilities in Bangladesh. UPL, Dhaka
1999 Agricultural disaster management in Bangladesh. UPL, Dhaka
2000 Agroecological aspects of agricultural research in Bangladesh
2002 Land use and land use planning in Bangladesh. UPL, Dhaka
2002 How to help small farmers in Bangladesh. UPL, Dhaka
2004 Can Bangladesh be protected from floods? UPL, Dhaka
2012 The physical geography of Bangladesh. UPL, Dhaka
2014 Climate change, sea-level rise and development in Bangladesh. UPL, Dhaka
2016 Landscapes, soil fertility and development in Bangladesh. UPL, Dhaka (a popular, illustrated summary of previous UPL books)
Joint author
1988 (with J. Antoine, A.H. Kassem and H.T. van Velthuizen). Land resources appraisal of Bangladesh for agricultural development. 7 Reports (in 11 volumes). FAO, Rome.
2009 (with P. Ravenscroft and K. Richards). Arsenic pollution: a global synthesis. Wiley-Blackwell.
2019 (with M. Chowdhury, A.M.M. Husssain, and M.A. Saleque) From the ground up: BRAC's innovations in the development of agriculture in Bangaldesh and beyond. University Press Ltd, Dhaka
Sole author in edited book
1962 'Soils' and 'Soil erosion and conservation' chapters in Agriculture and land use in Ghana. (Ed. J.B.Wills). OUP, with 1:1 million soil map of Ghana
1991 Agroclimate: risks due to natural disasters. In Evaluation for Sustainable Land Management in the Developing World. IBSRAM Proceedings No 12, Vol. II. IBSRAM, Bangkok.
1992 Floods in Bangladesh: vulnerability and mitigation related to human settlement. In Aysan Y. and Davis I.(Eds): Disasters and the small dwelling. James & James Science Publishers, London.
1993 Geographical complexities of detailed impact assessment for the Ganges-Brahmaputra-Meghna delta in Bangladesh. In Warrick, R.A. and T.M. Wigley (Eds): Climate and sea-level change: observations, projections and implications. Cambridge University Press.
2000 'Controversies surrounding the Bangladesh Flood Action Plan’ and ‘Flood hazard vulnerability and flood disasters in Bangladesh’. In D.J. Parker (Ed.) Floods. 2 vols. Routledge, London.
2019 The environmental background to agriculture in Bangladesh. Annexe to Chapter 1 in M. Chowdhury, A.M.M. Hussain, M.A. Saleque and H. Brammer: From the ground up. BRAC's innovations in the development of agriculture in Bangladesh and beyond. University Press Ltd, Dhaka.
2019 Learning from the past: looking to the future. Chapter 7 in M. Chowdhury, A.M.M. Hussain, M.A. Saleque and H. Brammer: From the ground up. BRAC's innovations in the development of agriculture in Bangladesh and beyond. University Press Ltd, Dhaka.
Joint author of chapter in edited book
1990 (with R. Brinkman). Changes in soil resources in response to a gradually rising sea level. In Scharpenseel, H.W., M. Schomaker and A. Ayoub (Eds): Soils on a warmer earth. Elsevier, Amsterdam.
1991 (with H.R. Khan). Bangladesh country study. In Disaster Mitigation in Asia and the Pacific. Asian Development Bank, Manila.
1993 (with Steve Jones) Protecting Bangladeshi communities against floods and cyclones. In Merriman, P.A. and C.W.A. Browitt (Eds): Natural disasters: protecting vulnerable communities. Thomas Telford, London.
1994 (with M. Asaduzzaman and P. Sultana) Effects of climate and sea-level changes on the natural resources of Bangladesh. Briefing Document 3 (of 7). In Bangladesh: Greenhouse effect and climate change. Bangladesh Unnayan Parishad (BUP), Dhaka.
1996 (with M. Asaduzzaman and P. Sultana) Effects of climate and sea-level changes on the natural resources of Bangladesh. Chapter 4. In Warrick, R.A. & Q.K.Ahmad The implications of climate and sea-level change for Bangladesh. Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht.
(Sole author)
Gold Coast/Ghana
1956 A note on former pediment remnants in Haute Volta. Geog. J. CXXII. 4. 526−527
1956 C.F.Charter's interim scheme for the classification of tropical soils. Trans. 6th Int. Cong. Soil Sci.
East Pakistan
1964 An outline of the geology and geomorphology of East Pakistan in relation to soil development. Pak. J. Soil Sci. I.1: 1
1965 Soil correlation boxes: a technique to simplify soil correlation. Pak. J. Soil Sci. I.2: 21
1966 The soils of East Pakistan in relation to agricultural development. Pak. J. Soil Sci. II.1
1966 FAO/UNSF Soil Survey Project of Pakistan: progress of work in East Pakistan 1961-65. Pak. J. Soil Sci. II.37
1967 Soil Survey in Pakistan: how and why. Pak. J. Soil Sci. III.2: 1
1968 Possible influences of flood protection, drainage and irrigation on the soils of East Pakistan. Pak. J. Soil Sci. IV.1: 8
1968 Decalcification of soils developed in calcareous Gangetic alluvium in East Pakistan. Pak. J. Soil Sci. IV.2: 8
1971 Coatings in seasonally flooded soils. Geoderma 6: 5−16
1973 Podzols in Zambia. Short communication. Geoderma 10: 249−250.
1980 Some innovations don't wait for experts. CERES, FAO, Rome.
1982 Crop intensification: why and how. CERES, FAO, Rome.
1982 Disaster preparedness for farmers: a methodology. Disasters, vol. 6, No 2: 140−144.
1987 Drought in Bangladesh: lessons for planners and administrators. Disasters, vol. 11, No 1: pp 21−29.
1989 Monitoring the evidence of the greenhouse effect and its impact on Bangladesh. Presented at International Conference on the Greenhouse Effect and Coastal Area of Bangladesh. Coastal Area Resource Development Management Association (CARDMA), Dhaka, March 1989. (Proceedings published)
1989 Floods in the agroecology of Bangladesh. Presented at International Seminar on Bangladesh Floods: Regional and Global Environmental Perspectives, Dhaka, March 1989. (Proceedings published)
1990 Floods in Bangladesh. Part 1: Geographical background to the 1987 and 1988 floods; Part 2: Flood mitigation and environmental aspects. Geog.J., vol.156, March and July, 1990.
1993 Protecting Bangladesh. Tiempo, April 1993: 7-−10.
1994 The agroecology of Bangladesh's floodplains. Asia Pacific J. of Environment and Development, Vol 1, No 2: 1−20.
1995 Floods, flood mitigation and soil fertility in Bangladesh. Asia Pacific J. of Environment and Development, Vol. 2, No 1: 13−24.
1995 Environmental aspects of flood protection in Bangladesh. Asia Pacific J. of Environment and Development, Vol. 2, No 2: 30−42.
1996 Can Bangladesh be protected from floods? Geog. Rev., vol.9, No 4, March 1996: 21−27.
1996 Bangladesh's braided Brahmaputra. Geog. Rev., vol. 10, No 2, November 1996: 2−7.
1996 The agroecology of Bangladesh's terrace areas. Part 1: physiography and soils. Part 2: soil complexity, climate and land use. Asia Pacific J. of Environment and Development, Vol. 3, No 1: 1−14 and No 2: 1−9
1997 The agroecology of Bangladesh's hill areas. Asia Pacific J. of Environment and Development, Vol. 4, No 1: 1−10
2008 Threat of arsenic to agriculture in India, Bangladesh and Nepal. Economic & Political Weekly, (India) XLIII No 47: 79−84
2009 Climate refugees: a rejoinder. Economic & Political Weekly, (India) XLIV No 29: 87
2009 Mitigation of arsenic contamination in irrigated paddy soils in South and South-east Asia. Environment International 35: 856-−863
2010 After the Bangladesh Flood Action Plan: Looking to the future. Environmental Hazards 9: 118−130
2010 Climate change and development in Bangladesh. Agriculture for Development 10: 7−12
2011 Harnessing farmers’ local knowledge to promote precision agriculture. Agriculture for Development 14: 11−16
2012 Farming complexity in Bangladesh. Agriculture for Development 16: 8−9
2012 Soil complexity and arsenic mitigation Agriculture for Development 17:31−35
2013 Cadmium in rice. Agriculture for Development 18: 17
2013 Lead in rice. Agriculture for Development 20: 20
2014 Bangladesh’s dynamic coastal regions and sea-level rise. Climate Risk Management 1.1: 51-62
2014 Geographical studies in Bangladesh: geomorphology, soils and climate change. Geographical Review of India 76.1: 1-81 (Several figures were omitted from the publication.)
2016 Floods, cyclones, drought and climate change in Bangladesh: a reality check. Int. J. Environmental Studies 73.6: 865-886
2017 Bangladesh's diverse and complex physical geography: implications for agricultural development. Int. J. Environmental Studies 74.1: 1-27
2020 Agricultural hazard management in Bangladesh. Agriculture for Development 39: 12-16
Joint author
1954 (with Endredy). The tropical black earths of the Gold Coast and their associated vlei soils. Trans. 5th Int. Cong. Soil Sci. 4: 70−76
1967 (with R. Brinkman). Land capability classification for use in East Pakistan. Pak. J. Soil Sci. III.1: 10
1970 (with P.R. Hesse). Some unsolved problems of soil science in East Pakistan. Pak J. Soil Sci. VI.1: 31
1977 (with R. Brinkman). Surface-water gley soils in Bangladesh: environment, landforms and morphology. Geoderma 17: 91−109
1990 (with R. Brinkman). The influence of a changing climate on soil properties. Proc. Commission V, Int. Soil Sci. Congress, Kyoto, Japan.
1992 (with J.I.M. Dempster) Flood Action Plan - Bangladesh. Outlook on Agriculture, Vol. 21, No 4: pp 301−305.
2009 (with P. Ravenscroft) Arsenic in groundwater: a threat to sustainable agriculture in South and South-east Asia. Environment International 35: 647−654
2012 (with M.R. Islam and six others). Arsenic in rice grown in low-arsenic environments in Bangladesh. Water Qual Exposure & Health 4.4: 197-208
2013 (with A.H. Kassam) Combining sustainable agricultural production with economic and environmental benefits. Geog. J. 179.1: 11-18 (with subsequent response to comments: Geog. J. 179.2: 183−185)
2015 (with F. Nachtergaele) Implications of soil complexity for environmental monitoring. Int. J. Environmental Studies 72.1: 56-732016 (with A.H. Kassam) Environmental implications of three modern agricultural practices: Conservation Agriculture, the System of Rice Intensification and Precision Agriculture: Int. J. of Environmental Studies 73.5: 702-718
2020 (with M. Ahmed) 2019 BRAC's innovative contributions to agricultural development in Bangladesh and elsewhere. Agriculture4Development 40: 11-15