Hugh Brammer
Career Summary
Born: Ledston Luck, Kippax, West Yorkshire, U.K., 22 October 1925
Secondary education
Castleford Grammar School 1936-37
Hemsworth Grammar School 1938-43
Downing College, Cambridge, 1943-44 & 1947-50
Geography. B.A. 1949; M.A. 1951
Military service
RAF 1944-47
Aircrew cadet 1944-46
Sergeant, Education & Training Corps 1946-47
Government of Gold Coast/Ghana 1951-61
1951-56 Soil Surveyor
1956-61 Head of Soil & Land Use Survey Dept
1956-58 Senior Soil Scientist
1958-61 Principal Agricultural Officer
Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations (FAO) 1961-87
1961-71 Soil Survey Project of Pakistan
1961-68 Deputy Project Commissioner, East Pakistan
1968-71 Project Commissioner
1971 Seconded to World Bank, Washington, to work on Land and Water Sector Study, East Pakistan.
1972-74 Zambia: Seconded to Ministry of Rural Development to fill post of Senior Soil Scientist.
1974-87 Bangladesh: Land Use/Agricultural Development Adviser to Ministry of Agriculture
1979-87 also Project Manager, Bangladesh Agroecological Zones Study
1987-88 Visiting Fellow, Institute for Development Studies, University of Sussex, U.K.
Consultant 1988-95
Inter alia:
1988-89 UNDP-funded Bangladesh Flood Policy Study
1989-95 World Bank-funded Bangladesh Flood Action Plan
1992 Ford Foundation-funded Bangladesh Greenhouse Effects Study
Post-consultant activities
1995-present: writing books and journal articles: see List of Publications
Study participant, Geography Department, Cambridge University:
2005-08 Global study of arsenic in groundwater (with P. Ravenscroft & K. Richards)
2007-09 Meghna estuary study and analysis of Bangladesh climate data (with graduate research students)
2007-present: Bengal Maps Study (with P. Saunders and Keith Richards)
2009-12: funding arsenic studies at Bangladesh Agricultural University, Mymensingh
1978 Bangladesh President's Gold Medal for services to Bangladesh Agriculture
1981 B.R. Sen Award, FAO
1986 FAO Long Service Medal
1987 Order of the British Empire (O.B.E.)
2006 Busk medal for scientific research and discovery, Royal Geographical Society
2012 Award of Merit, Tropical Agricultural Association