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‘Grey literature’: Mainly reports to or for Government


1961-71 (East Pakistan)

Published by the Directorate of Soil Survey, Dacca


Technical guides

1965      No 6. A land capability classification for use in East Pakistan

1965      No 7. Crop suitability classification

1965      No 8. Notes on soil and environmental conditions required by the major crops of East Pakistan

1966      No 9. Form for completion of soil association data in East Pakistan

1967      No 10. Principles of agricultural development in East Pakistan

1967      No 12. Interpretation of soil analytical data


Summaries of agricultural development possibilities

1967      Dhaka District

1967      Jamalpur and Tangail Subdivisions

1967      Sylhet Sadar and Maulvi Bazar Subdivisions

1967      Rangpur Sadar and Nilphamari Subdivisions

1967      Noakhali District and Chandpur, Sadar North and Sadar South Subdivisions of Comilla District

1968      Barisal District

1968      Pabna and Rajshahi Districts


Interpretation reports

1965      Suggestions for use of reconnaissance soil survey maps and reports in selecting soil fertility trials sites

1969      How to identify the general soil types of East Pakistan

1969      How to use the soil survey report for agricultural development planning at the Thana and Union levels

1970      Preliminary guide to the selection of land and crops for irrigation in East Pakistan

1970      Sabhar Thana: soils information for planning agricultural development

1970      Comparison of expected benefits from irrigation and pump drainage on six East Pakistan landscapes

1970      Dhaka District: zoning of land for agriculture and urban use

1970      Soil and physiographic conditions affecting rehabilitation of the cyclone-devastated areas in East Pakistan, November 1970

1971      Ditto for 19 individual Thanas in the cyclone-devastated area


Other publications

1969      Chapters on Climate, Geology, Physiography and Soils for 'The Soils of East Pakistan', with 1:1 million soil map of East Pakistan. Advance copies (cyclostyled) issued by Soil Survey Directorate. (Book not finalized and published by the then Gov't of East Pakistan).


1972-1974 (Zambia)

Published by Soil Survey Unit, Land Use Services Division, Ministry of Rural Development


1973      Detailed soil survey, Kataba Valley Research Substation, Western Province. Soil Survey Report No 8. (With D.B.Clayton). 2 maps.

1973      Detailed soil survey, Sesheke Research Substation, Western Province. Soil Survey Report No 9. (With D.B.Clayton). 2 maps.

1973      Technical guides:

 1. Setting up of soil series and phases.

 2. Description of topographical site.

 3. Stages in soil correlation and establishment of soil series.

 4. Soil identification legend.

 5. Description and sampling of soil profiles.

 6. Soil survey reports.

1974     7. Crop suitability.

1974      Land classification. Revised chapter 2 of Land Use Planning Guide.


1974-1986 (Bangladesh)

Special interpretation reports

1974      The potential for rainfed HYV rice cultivation in Bangladesh. Ministry of Agriculture. 8 maps

1974      Suitability of land and soils for rainfed HYV rice cultivation, Sylhet District. Soil Survey Interpretation Division

1974      Utilization of soil survey information in agricultural planning and extension. Soil Survey Interpretation Division

1975      The potential for HYV wheat cultivation in Bangladesh. Preliminary edition (without maps and tables). Soil Survey Interpretation Division

1975      Use of waste land and fallow land. Soil Survey Interpretation Division

1976      Costs of production, profits and returns for paddy and wheat cultivation at the new (July 1976) fertilizer prices. Soil Survey Interpretation Division

1977      HYV Aman Task Force 1976. Ministry of Agriculture

1978      The prospect for cereals other than rice and wheat. Soil Survey Interpretation Division

1978      The potential for HYV wheat cultivation in Bangladesh. Second (revised) edition. Soil Survey Interpretation Division

1978      Wheat strategy considerations. Soil Survey Interpretation Division

1979      Portfolio of ideas for agricultural and rural development projects for possible IFAD funding. Ministry of Agriculture and Forests

1981      Identification of intensive agricultural development areas using fertilizer off-take figures. Ministry of Agriculture and Forests.

1981      Traditional and modern methods of intensifying crop production in Bangladesh. Ministry of Agriculture and Forests

1982      Whither wheat? Ministry of Agriculture

1982      Survey of farmers' intentions regarding wheat cultivation in 1982-83. Ministry of Agriculture

1982      Land suitable for crop diversification. Prepared for Ministry of Agriculture Committee on Crop Diversification

1985      Trends in fertilizer off-take 1979-80 to 1983-84. Ministry of Agriculture


Agricultural Extension, Research and Planning Guides

1975      Disaster preparedness planning: precautionary and rehabilitation measures for agriculture. Soil Survey Interpretation Division. 3 maps

1975      Method for determining recommended land use for an area from reconnaissance soil survey reports. Soil Survey Interpretation Division

1975      Use of tanks for irrigation and fish farming. Soil Survey Interpretation Division

1975      Food-for-Work programme: guidelines for selecting sites for agricultural schemes. Soil Survey Interpretation Division

1975      Village agricultural development plans. Soil Survey Interpretation Division. Model 1

1975      Ditto; Model 2

1975      Sabhar Thana soil guide. Soil Survey Interpretation Division. Second (revised) edition. 1 map

1975      Joydebpur and Tongi Thanas soil guide. Soil Survey Interpretation Division. 1 map

1975      Development of hill areas. Soil Survey Interpretation Division

1975      Chittagong Hill Tracts: principles of development and conservation. Soil Survey Interpretation Division

1976      Nutrient supply in flooded soils. Soil Survey Interpretation Division

1976      Work calendars for Thana and Union Extension staff. Ministry of Agriculture

1976      Work calendars for supervisory Extension staff. Ministry of Agriculture

1976      Farmers' profits from use of fertilizers. Ministry of Agriculture

1976      Farmers' profits from use of fertilizers and irrigation. Ministry of Agriculture

1976      Irrigated wheat and boro/aus rotations. Ministry of Agriculture

1977      Storm warning signals and estimated wind speed. Ministry of Agriculture

1977      Phenological record. Bangladesh Agricultural Development Corporation. (Also published in Bengali).

1977      Cyclones, tornadoes, line-squalls and related meteorological phenomena. Ministry of Agriculture

1977      How to increase transplanted aman rice yields. Ministry of Agriculture

1977      How to increase wheat yields. Ministry of Agriculture.

1977      How to increase boro rice yields. Ministry of Agriculture

1977      Village food production committees: Instructions for preparing a quick-action programme to increase production of transplanted aman. Ministry of Agriculture

1977      Village food production committees: Instructions for preparing quick-action programme to increase production of rabi crops. Ministry of Agriculture.

1977      How to select sites for small water development schemes. Soil Survey Interpretation Division

1978      How to increase aus rice yields. Ministry of Agriculture

1978      Crops suitable for different kinds of land and soil in Bangladesh. Soil Survey Interpretation Division

1978      Crops and methods of cultivation suitable for the hill areas of Bangladesh. Soil Survey Interpretation Division

1978      How to improve soil fertility. Soil survey Interpretation Division

1978      How to make good compost. Ministry of Agriculture

1978      How to make the best use of fertilizers on transplanted aman. Ministry of Agriculture

1978      How to make agricultural contingency plans and agricultural rehabilitation plans. Ministry of Agriculture

1978      How to select sites for agricultural trials and demonstrations. Soil Survey Interpretation Division

1978      How to make the best use of fertilizers on rabi crops. Ministry of Agriculture

1978      How to improve cropping patterns. Soil Survey Interpretation Division

1979      Learn from the best farmers. Ministry of Agriculture and Forests

1979      Lessons from the 1978-79 drought. Ministry of Agriculture and Forests

1979      How to irrigate wheat. Ministry of Agriculture and Forests

1979      How to help the small farmer. Ministry of Agriculture and Forests

1979      Thana plan book, Chapter 4: Thana Land Use Development Programme. (In English and Bengali). Ministry of Local Government, Rural Development and Cooperatives

1979      Union plan book, Chapter 4: Union Land Use Development Programme. (Published in Bengali). Ministry of Local Government, Rural Development and Cooperatives

1979      Manual on Thana Land Use Planning. Ministry of Local Government, Rural Development and Cooperatives

1980      Drought Code. Ministry of Agriculture and Forests

1980      Flood and Cyclone Code. Ministry of Agriculture and Forests

1980      The general soil types of Bangladesh. Ministry of Agriculture and Forests. 1 map

1980      Recommended practices for improved transplanted aman cultivation. Ministry of Agriculture and Forests

1980      How to select sites for trials and demonstrations by soil associations. Ministry of Agriculture and Forests

1981      Measures to be taken in case of flood and cyclone in Baishak. Ministry of Agriculture and Forests

1981      Seventeen possible ways to increase agricultural production. Ministry of Agriculture and Forests

1981      Drought Code. (Second edition, revised, in Bengali). Agricultural Information Services

1981      Flood and Cyclone code. (Second edition, revised, in Bengali). Agricultural Information Services

1981      How to record phenological information. Ministry of Agriculture and Forests

1983      Manual on Upazila agricultural development planning. Draft prepared for Ministry of Agriculture

1984      Manual for operating the Extension Control Room. Ministry of Agriculture

1985      Determinants of farming systems in Bangladesh. Prepared for Manual on Farming Systems Research Methodology. Bangladesh Agricultural Research Council

1985      Soil-crop suitability classification for Bangladesh. Soil Resources Development Institute

1985      How to monitor and interpret meteorological and climatic data for agricultural purposes. Soil Resources Development Institute

1986      Correlation of Bangladesh soil series in the revised (Nov. 1985) Legend for the Soil Map of the World. Soil Resources Development Institute


Conference papers

1974      The contribution of soil survey to agricultural research. Agricultural Research Conference, Dhaka.

1975      Five-year Accelerated Cereals Production Programme. BRRI/Extension Workshop on Experience with HYV Rice Cultivation, Joydebpur.

1975      Land suitability for HYV rice and wheat cultivation in Bangladesh. International Seminar on Socio-economic Implications of Introducing HYVs in Bangladesh. Bangladesh Academy for Rural Development, Comilla. (With R. Rahman)

1975      Future expansion of wheat cultivation in Bangladesh (beyond 1975-76). Workshop on Wheat, Dhaka.

1976      HYV programme. Second BRRI/Extension Workshop on HYV rice, Joydebpur.

1976      Soil and land classification and economic interpretation. FAO/Planning Commission Seminar on Water Management, Dhaka.

1976      Incorporation of physical determinants in cropping pattern design. IRRI Cropping Systems Symposium, Los Banos, Philippines

1977      Planning rice and wheat production in the next 10 years: a perspective view. Third BRRI/Extension Workshop on 10 years' experience with HYV rice and wheat cultivation, Joydebpur.

1977      Soil survey interpretation for agricultural planning, research and extension. Agricultural Graduates' Annual Conference, Dhaka.

1977      The rice soils of Bangladesh. IRRI Symposium on Soils and Rice, Los Banos, Philippines.

1978      Physical determinants of cropping patterns in Bangladesh. BRRI/BARC Workshop on Cropping Systems Research and Development, Joydebpur.

1978      Lessons from ITAP (Intensive Transplanted Aman Programme) for future intensive rice production programmes. Fourth BRRI/Extension Workshop on Experience with Modern Rice Varieties, Joydebpur.

1978      Suitability of land and soils for irrigation in Bangladesh. Ministry of Agriculture Workshop on Water Management, Dhaka.

1978      Sulphur nutrition of rice: suggested alternative strategies and organization for conducting a national sulphur status survey. Workshop on Sulphur Nutrition of Rice, BRRI, Joydebpur.

1981      Disaster preparedness in Agriculture, with particular reference to floods. Indian National Science Academy, New Delhi.

1982      Characterization of soils for non-irrigated rice cultivation in Bangladesh. IRRI Rice Research Conference, Los Banos, Philippines.

1982      Agricultural aspects of polder development: a case study from Bangladesh. Keynote paper presented at the Symposium on Polders of the World, Lelystad, Netherlands.

1982      Present cropping patterns, trend of change, and approach for improvement. First National Workshop on Cropping Systems Research, BARI, Joydebpur.

1983      Soil diversity and complexity as problems for agricultural research and extension. BRRI Conference on Problem Soils, Joydebpur.

1984      Resource inventories and resource planning in Bangladesh. Commonwealth Secretariat Training Workshop on Land Use Planning in the Tropics, Joydebpur.

1984      Morphology, genesis and classification of the floodplain soils of Bangladesh. Background paper prepared for meeting of Commission IV, International Society of Soil Science, Dhaka.

1984      Soil and agricultural information needs for improved irrigation. Seminar on Information for Improved Irrigation and Water Management, Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology, Dhaka.

1984      Issues in agricultural and livestock policy. UN Inter-agency Seminar on Land Use Policy, Dhaka.

1984      Issues in soil management. (Proposed) Workshop on National Land Use Policy, Dhaka.

1984      Land use policy and biomass production. Training Workshop on Rural Energy, Planning Commission, Dhaka.

1984      Land use planning at the local level. International Training Course in the T&V System of Agricultural Extension and Management, Graduate Training Institute, Bangladesh Agricultural University, Mymensingh.

1985      Agroclimatic zoning and drought-prone area identification. Seminar on Dryland Farming Research and the Barind Tract, BARC, Dhaka.

1985      Management of soils for growing horticultural crops in hill areas. ? BARC Seminar.

1986      Agro-ecological aspects of the relief-development transition in Kurigram, 1974-86. IGU/RDRS Training Workshop on the Famine-Relief Transition, Dhaka.



ADAB News ( Bangladeshi Non-governmental  Agencies’ Newsletter) 1976-88

More than 60 articles


Publications 1951-2013 cont.

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